What exactly is love

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Anonymous's picture
there perhaps should be more to this debate than "is religion a good or a bad thing"...though i'm buggered if i know what. but i think that some contributions demonstrate that opinions should sometimes be kept private. one should no more criticise a man's religion, or lack of it, than tell him that his wife is ugly.
Anonymous's picture
Hi MYB I am truly curious now. I notice that your user name is Genghis, did you choose this from the one of the biggest despots in history, who ruled with terror and brutality? I won't qualify god, no more than you can. However I can say that when I prayed as a child, (every night), my prayers were never answered. When my son was a few years old, there was a knock on the door. It was two Jehovah witnesses. I listened to what they had to say. All was well until they said that my son was the way he was because of my sins!!!!!!!! Rubbish. He has an extra gene attached to his 21st pair of chromosomes. Not because the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. I also hold no animosity towards you or anyone else on these threads, but I am entitled to my opinions as you are yours. PS I guess I shan't get any cherries for awhile. Never mind, eh. AJ
Anonymous's picture
i would like to make a plea ... if people are important - something i agree with ... and love is about tolerance of them and their views ... then PLEASE could we have responses on this and other threads which do not barge insensitively into personal insult ... i know it is easy to post in haste ... i have done it ... but it is something i regret and do not wish to do again ... by all means say your piece ... but surely it is possible to do this without being insulting? ... calling someone "thicko" is beyond the mark i reckon ... i would expect more sensitivity from someone who has evidently suffered in the way that you have AJ ... and no doubt your own child has been the victim of much prejudice the world being the way it is ... i am fed up of these forums being an open slanging match ... i would rather they were a place where views where intelligently exchanged ... i am all for reasoned argument and there have been some wonderful examples of this on the forums ... but being nasty serves nobody ... in particular the person doing it ... let's be gentle with each other and tough on ideas ...
Anonymous's picture
Hi Robert, I agree, religion should be private also poliltics. Two subjects where I usually will not argue. However, when it is openly discussed, isn't it OK that contributors have a right to their opinions? Good or bad. Re: ugly wife argument. I agree, but what about the ugly husband. Let's not be sexually biased. AJ


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