press release help

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press release help

Hi there abctalers!

Sorry to bug, but I'm asking the same question I asked in the 'writing tips' section.

- It just appears that there's many more of you helpful people in here than in there -

The question is, can you quote directly from press releases or do you have to personally interview the guy. I think you can quote because that's what a press release is for isn't it - to be helpful to journalists and editors etc?

Any help would be a godsend


Anonymous's picture
Hello You can quote directly from press releases, but it's courteous to mention the product/service that the release is promoting at the same time. If you are, however, still in any doubt, contact the issuer of the release and check with them. I say this because I have the dubious qualification of having a degree in PR. Sad but true. Hope this helps
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
As an ex-pr, I always loved it if anyone used the quote in the press release as I made sure it included everything I wanted to be said. I think you're fine to use it as long as you don't edit it out of all recognition. I had press releases printed verbatim by lazy journalists and was very happy indeed. Although from a journalistic perspective, it's way better to get an original quote than one which could be used by everyone on the press list...
Anonymous's picture
Hi Ron You quote away baby - stats and quoted quotes. I'd also recommend that you send a copy of your piece to the original PR - that'll always put you in their good books unless, of course, you take it way out of context as Emily says. Can't help but wonder, why are you quoting from a press release in the first place? What is it that you do? (Tell me to bug off if this is too nosy - I'm new to this whole chit-chat thing). Best wishes
Anonymous's picture
Hey Ron that's great, good luck to you. If you need any more help, just let me know. I'm a freelancer as well but have trouble keeping my impetus up with one young son and number two on its way! All the best
Lisa Mangan
Anonymous's picture
Hello, As ABCtales communications director can I add my bit and say, quote on! This is what press releases are for. They are written as if to be re-printed unchanged and whilst this seldom happens as long as you keep the sense of the piece and clearly show when you are quoting speech, you will be fine. If you are using stats it's expected to refer to the source ie the people who did the research, not the writers of the release (unless it was their own research!!) None of the rest needs quotation marks. Any more queries Ron, please feel free to email me direct. Best wishes, Lisa
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