Writers Block
Writers block - that scurge of scribblers everywhere.
Here's three solutions that have worked for me.
1: When you are in a purple patch and everything is flowing brilliantly, introduce something into the proceedings that can be used as a memory jogger in more difficult times.
With me it's a smell. (No please missus - stop tittering.)
I used Olbas Oil, simply because it was at hand the first time.
Several times since, when the muse has gone, I've spread a few drops of the magic oil around and it seems to work as a 'trigger' of better days.
2: When that blank page (or screen) is mocking you, don't just look at it. Write anything - literally. Rubbish; garbage, nonsense, gobbledegook.
Start at the top of the page - by the time you've reached the bottom, the garbage has often turned into something weird, wonderful, or merely useful. But the 'train will be out of the station' again.
3: When all else fails, this one rarely does:- Excercise.
The brain needs a good supply of oxygen via the blood to work well. But writing is a sedentary business where the blood leaves the brain and settles around chair level.
Get it moving again. Half an hour of hard physical work, followed by a hot bath, is a wonderful way to blow away the dust and get the brain working properly again.
These work for me. Anybody else got any more ?