abc writing course - a new writer's bureau?

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abc writing course - a new writer's bureau?

just saw the blurb about new abc thing - anyone interested?
a one day residential course with a bloodaxe-level poet costs 25 quid or around that i think, so is this really worthy it?

i speak as someone who can't go through the disadvantage of being short for cash mostly, 99 quid is bad enough without considering that the most talented writers come from scotland, so thats an extra 50 quid in train fares and 30 for a frilly shirt with which to impress the ladies - altogether a great expense.

can we not have a more centrally located venue? london isnt the centre of the earth anymore?

andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Of course I remember Jason Lee - he used to play for Lincoln. But that was before 'he's got a pine-apple on his head, he's got a pine-apple on his head'
Anonymous's picture
Yeah, how about Amsterdam?
stephen gardiner
Anonymous's picture
Nobody at ABCtales believes that London is the centre of the universe. Try Chief Exec Tony Cook's views on southern Jessies and where the real heart of Britain is. But seriously, we are running this course at cost. We want it to wash its face with regard to the expense of putting it on, except for the five free bursary places we're throwing in. There will be about eight tutors providing their wisdom and experience and we hope to have a surprise big name writer involved which we reckon will make it even more attractive. As far as going rates for writing courses go, you could try a two-day creative writing course coming up in Ulverston with only two no-name tutors costing £135. Yes, prices do vary, but we have worked this on the actual cost of the presenters and the very good facilities at City University. And we're throwing in a live event and a couple of drinks to get the creative and performing juices flowing. We're not trying to rip anyone off, just provide a valuable service for ABCtalers who want to get better at writing and learn the tricks for getting published. As far as location goes, if this one works, we'll certainly look at running others in the real parts of the country or helping people who want to organise such events under the auspices of ABCtales. But remember, given that most agents, editors and publishers have the misfortune of living in London, it will add to the course costs getting them to travel. I believe you will get value for money on this course. Stephen Gardiner, general manager and course organiser.
Anonymous's picture
I think everyone would agree that I need to join this course. But I wont. Ha!
Anonymous's picture
*quivers* quite right too....
Anonymous's picture
oooh liana ... i like it when tc's is FIRM ... don't you?
Anonymous's picture
Fish, you strumpet! *jealous*
Anonymous's picture
I would love to attend the course, but sadly I have incured many debts while in "no money-phase" of job hunting...I have just started a new job, but I will now owe out all my wages over chrimbo.....(sulks) I was wondering if there may be any future courses coming up..... (I have tried to wheedle the cash from my betrothed, but to no avail)
Anonymous's picture
i think there should be a course like that in forfar a prime position if ever there was one
stephen gardiner
Anonymous's picture
Yeah Linsi, if this one works we will do it again, and again... learning each time how to tweak it to make it a bit better. And to richardw, how far to Forfar? So far, too far. Will put it to the fore for further forethought.
Anonymous's picture
Forfar 5 - East Fife 4
Anonymous's picture
bloody east fife. they have a guy that looks like jason lee (remember him?) on the bench. forfar must only be about 500 miles from london, which is just about a comfortable distance for me - i've been on the blower to william carlos williams and he says he'd be willing to come to forfar especially, we've been good pals since we were both in the Tartan Army in '86 don't you know. if you were to walk 500 miles would you be willing to walk 500 more?
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