One Good Thing ...

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One Good Thing ...

thought just struck me ... we are very good at moaning about ABCtales ... how slow it is ... how the email doesn't work ... how we cant do this and cant do that ... about cherries ... and tossers ... and log ins and whocs and this and that ... i am as guilty of this as anyone so am not preaching or anything ...

BUT i thought i might say One Good Thing ... i have met some very good people through this site ... some virtual only ... some in reality and some soon to be real ...

and i have sent off my collection to a competition ... a collection i wouldnt have put together or sent off at all if i hadnt got involved with ABCtales and got the feedback i have ... and also if those people i have met (damn e-goers)hadn't bullied me to DEATH ...

oh that's two good things ...

here ends the sermon for today



John L
Anonymous's picture
Argue with this, mississippi
stormy moaner
Anonymous's picture
agree fishy, but would like to think that criticism we aim at ABC is for the benefit of the site and *most* of us that moan have also praised the site highly in the past ... and still do.
Liana the Whinge
Anonymous's picture
yes...*hangs head* have just been whinging to Fish about being unable to access the last ten entered...and have whinged about whoccy business too..but abc IS a remarkable site, and I wholeheartedly endorse the Fishy comments above. Have had the pleasure of meeting loads of great people through this site, it's made me write loads more, and endeavour to get better at said writing...and what on earth I ever did without it I really do not know. *Liana's Mother - "Housework dear. You did housework" *
Anonymous's picture
Mmm, hard to imagine what we ever did without it, innit? 'Specially as I don't 'do' housework, either (or at least as little as possible). Agree with the Fish absolutely (and Liana, natch, don't want to offend anyone here, perish the bloody thought) and, although I haven't actually met any of you peculiar lot in the flesh, so to speak, I do feel I've made some great like-minded mates... Well, that's me done, then. Next?
Anonymous's picture
...sites bleedin' slow tonight...
Anonymous's picture
Oops, forgot a comma. *looks round fearfully for whinging Eric*
Anonymous's picture
...have met some wonderful interesting, vibrant and sexy (of course) people both virtually and in real life, the virtual friends I have made are very intriging as I have only corresponded via e-mail, chat room and the forums, the ones that I met at the abc event were all wonderfully interesting, vibrant, sexy , etc. it is a great site, it has encouraged me to put virtual pen to virtual paper....and given me a lot more confidence via feedback from others, thank you anyone who has ever e-mailed me and keep them coming.......
Anonymous's picture
*flexes fingers fetchingly*
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
We are aware of the problems. Let me tell you that they are caused by our own success. Just too much stuff on here. I am talking to the techies abut how to resolve it. They have removed some things and done some 'tweaking' but I fear it may take more than that. It's all about our quantities going over certain binary numbers (which is what computers count in being too stupid to count to ten) - and this has triggered the slowdown. Please accept our apologies and be assured that we are doing all we can as quickly as we can to restore normal service.
Anonymous's picture
I think this is a great site. I wouldn't be spending half my day on it if I didn't like it. And Tony's right about being a victim of success. The site slows down at the times when the largest number of people are on it, it seems to me. I can live with that. Hey, it all takes time. (note to humour police: no pun intended) *ducks*
Anonymous's picture
Can't argue with the basic fact - ABC has become an essential medium of communication.. posting our stuff, chatting over the threads, getting to know like-minded (or unlike-minded, but that's all part of the fun) people. And it costs us nothing. Yeah, I've grumbled a bit lately about the speed - like everyone else, I get used to everything running smoothly and when it doesn't - yaargh!! Running a site this size isn't easy - running one a tiny fraction of the size isn't, as I'm finding out. It's just a victim of its own success.. when irritating little things go wrong, we notice - but that's only because we're logging on so frequently. It's all these artistic types, eh? Never satisfied..
Anonymous's picture
I can argue with anything, if I want to! I can even argue with nothing! So there!
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