ABCtales Fifth Birthday Event 2nd February: Come on, it's a celebration!
we're looking forward to the ABCtales event Fifth Birthday Event of 2nd February being a wonderful celebration of all of the things that have made ABCtales such a diverse and interesting thing to be involved with over the years.
To do this we need YOUR help: Firstly we'd love to see as many of you there as possible, whether you're an old face we haven't seen for a while or a fresh new lamb yet to gambol in the ABCtales paddock.
Secondly, we'd love this event to benefit from a range of readings from ABCtales faces old and new. If you've been around a while but never read now's your chance! If you've never read anywhere, what a place to start! Five to ten minutes in front of a friendly and appreciate audience then back to your seat for an evening of adulation and feeling like you've achieved something.
Every event worth it's salt needs a bombastic intro, and below to convince you if you haven't already been, is the ABCtales 2nd of February Birthday Bash Bombastic Intro:
Bombastic Intro start:
ABCtales Fifth Birthday Celebration: An evening of poetry and prose
See! Hot New Poets!
Taste! The Best New Prose!
Marvel! The Highlights of the UK's most established site for writers !
An evening of readings, conversation and good fun!
Upstairs at Extra Time, 1 Long Lane, Barbican, London, EC1A 9HA
Thursday 2nd February 2006
First Act: 8.00PM
£5.00 / £3.00 unwaged
Imagine: A literary evening out that is relaxed, fun and where people talk to each other¦
Imagine: Hearing readings from hot new authors and poets in a warm, friendly and unpretentious setting¦
Imagine: A chance to meet other writers and poets and find out about the five year history of one of the UK's longest established writing websites¦ is one of the UK's longest established internet writing communities.
On Thursday 2nd February 2006, is celebrating its fifth birthday and would like to invite you to enjoy some of the best writers and poets that it has supported and encouraged over the last half decade. believes that every writer needs a safe place to find their feet, meet other writers and develop their writing. ABCtales live events over the last five years have been the beginning of many live careers.
Come and see what the community has to offer.
Open mic slots will be available.
Advance tickets and information available from Tony Cook at or 07899901023
Bombastic Intro Ends...
The third way you can help is to download a flyer from the address below, print it out a few times and leave some around places that people might see them.
If you do any or all of the above things we will love you more than any website for writers has loved anyone!
Mark Brown, Editor (on leave),