022 - 024: Xy A World without Men

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022 - 024: Xy A World without Men

I was wondering about your story...
how do they explain men in art in the world you describe?Visual art, also literature, music, theatre?
what about religion? The Bible, the Koran...
surely it wouldnt be possible to efface all traces: private letters, photos, recordings?
I like the "resistance" direction you are taking the story, more needed...Those who are prepared to risk life in defence of human dignity and freedom would be involved in intense philosophical reflection about their environment...
Would the resistance get help from outside, where? Perhaps there is a secret dissident faction in the regime itself...
what is the political environment? Is it changing?
I think it's lacking a sense of place, the baby story is OK but might be better if put against some other developments or discussions...
(excuse me if I missed passages which might have answered these points)

Dear Chimpy, ty for your comprehensiv critique. The story is essentially one woman's struggle to bear a son, but you are right that this needs context. I have begun to build this context in to the story with more discussions about the world aroud them - see early chapters. Also Joy Burrows works for Vision and we get some insights to the darker side of how they keep womem quiet in her chapters - but there is more of this to come. Vision essentially works on the premise that nothing is banned or forbidden concerning men - but rather they mould the women through education and propoganda to reject male design in anything - so literature etc is not destroyed but rather women choose not to admire it. In terms of God - well he still exists as 'Big Sis' - a female deity this is also mentioned in an early chapter. However I haven't tackled other religions - i admit. In terms of the resistance - there are secret factions within vision - more to come. However i do take your point on board that the context needs to be developed much further. I am currently rewriting the whole novel - so i envisage a further rewrite to incorporate more context - but i feel it is important to get to the end - then i can go back and pick up and expand on previous points. If i am perfectly honest the ending has a number of possibilities at the moment i am letting the characters shape the final outcome. In terms of the world picture - The characters believe that the world is Vision - they know nothing of the borders of this empire - however this is another area of i need to develop as the story reaches its climax. I really appreciate the time and effort you have taken to comment - and i find your comments extremely useful as i too felt the story was narrowing in too much on the baby. A spoiler - Vision haven't quite killed all the men - after all some specimens are useful for various different tasks. In an old RAF underground base - Joy Burrows will reveal exactly what these 'men -lab rats' are used for. Juliet


I haven't read the story as I need a link but should it not be XX if it's a world without men? Sorry to be a pedant. "I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

"I have a room for life at the Home for the Chronically Groovy."

Here is link http://www.abctales.com/node/547873 It is called Xy to demonstrate the y chromosome as smaller than the X after all the y is just a broken X (men are defunct females). Also the plague attaches itself to the X chromosme and women having two X's are protected - men are not. Not sure the actual title will contain the sentence 'A world Without Men' - just Xy - but as i am far from finished yet - who knows, i may end up with a complete title change. I always apppreciate readers and comments. It is a lonely business writing a novel. Juliet


Anonymous's picture
I would suggest a pinch of salt be taken with the comments of an 'editor' whose critiques carry "excuse me if I missed passages which might have answered these points" as a caviat. Enzo.. www.thedevilbetweenus.com
Hey Enzo i understand your defence, but chimpy has read more than just those 3 chapters - he was pointing out he hadn't read them all - that is fine. But he does raise a pertinent issue that of context, and it is something i am having to work hard on. His previous commentswere part of the reason i began a rewrite - and i am much happier with the story as a result. I thrive on feedback and challenges to my writing and Chimpy and others who spend time reading and offering their thought are just what i need. Even from three chapters you can get a jist of what is right and what is wrong and i appreciate each and every comment. It is nice to know that someone is reading :) Juliet


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