Exvermination by MacJoyce

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Exvermination by MacJoyce


Hadn't seen this one before - would like to see the man in question perform it. Like the "so I gave them a call" deadpan snippet after the crazy laughter/hysteria.

Yes, some top lines in there. It's using the 'Free England' rhyme scheme and metre, I believe. 'Boring and gay things like read' doesn't scan, je pense. '“Got problems with squeaks? Our modern techniques' seems to be missing a syllable between 'squeaks' and 'our'. Rhyming 'order' with 'tour de' is inspired, however.
Yeah, in fairness, I don't think Rokkitnite has ever made a wronger post. By which I mean, it's the wrongest I've seen him make. Wrong to the maximum. Not only does 'boring and gay things like read' scan, but 'Got problems and squeaks? Our modern techniques' would be too jam-packed with an extra syllable. 'If you've problems and squeaks, then our modern techniques' is a right mouthful. *AND*, rhyming 'order' with 'tour de' is not so much "inspired" as comically silly in the very best vein. It adds to the poem because it's a forced rhyme that's cleverly bludgeoned into making sense. 'Pebbly' and 'debris' is, however, inspired.
I love those knowingly bludgeoned rhymes - Tom Lehrer did some lovely ones. Must admit, I stumbled on the 'gay things' line too - it's not that it doesn't scan - as syllable for syllable it does - it's just tempting to put the stress on 'things' rather than 'gay' which rushes the first half and leaves the second half feeling short. Maybe that's how Rokkit read it too. I enjoyed it very much, btw.
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