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Hello everyone. My name is Lynne but I write under the name Dylan Wiles. I just found this site and after a stumble, posting on the 'writing' site, I have finally found my way here to the Discussion board. (Thanx to Jack Cates who was infinitely patient with me)

I got a few crusty come-backs to my initial foray, a beaut from Rockitnite who seems to think there is possibly a writer out there without an oversized ego and an absolute classic salute from Nobody who seems to like the power the internet gives him to say dirty words and not have to face the people he insults. In other words a nice cross-section of writers and poets. The sort of thing one looks for when seeking critique and/or accolades for ones work. i also got a few Very nice welcomes.

So. This is my official introduction and plea for mercy.

I understand that any suggestion of being a 'Noob' will send folks here running for the hills as reading someone elses writing does not seem to be the empirical baseline this site is founded on, but I choose to ignore that and lay out this short story, submitted for your approval.

Ive found some Very nice writing here. The soccor piece is entralling. I will continue to review and comment.

This is a short piece, designed for you short attention span types and a fair introdution to my writing.
I hope to hear from each and every one of you.

Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy the experience and I mean that sincerely. You'll have to be patient around the feedback, which was my point, just check the amount of comments on people's writing posted since you put in your initial request, (except of course the unbelievable post). Read, enjoy and get involved. I should say, I actually write exactly as I talk, (sadly), so please don't assume to know me or my personality. Have fun. nobody
Hi Dylan, glad to see you stuck around, you already seem to be pretty pissed off with two members which is good, but how long can you hold a grudge? In order to really fit in here you're going to have to be far less magnanimous and really work those grievances.


Your personality is imminently knowable. Nothing new there. Nothing too original either but I accept and presume you might be a worthy adversary. I'm right in the middle of your portfolio right now and I like your writing, though you could use the services of a spell-checker at odd times. Lots of good old fashioned angst going down there. Thank you for the 'hello' Madden. Life is too short to hold grudges. My writing is strictly tongue in cheek, I have no time for grudges. Thank you all. Is Jack Cates the bomb, or what? D
You mean Jack CADE, surely? O He of Wry Wit? Talented, he is. The Bomb? Hmmm. Maybe in leather chaps. You'll have to develop a very thick skin to survive here, especially if you venture into the GenDiss one; either that, or just be meaner than your detractors. Seriously though, you will get good feedback if you give good feedback. It doesn't need to be lovey-dovey, just tactful. And fuggetabaht the ones who don't play nice. Welcome aboard.
Greetings Dylan/Lynne! (so are you a chap or a lass or what?) :-) * P * :-) ( Read my blog! - )

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

'Nobody' needs a spellchecker? Dylan: re-arrange this well known phrase; kettle, pot, the, calling and black.


"General Discussion" allows for all kinds of things and occasionally turns abusive, so it's not for the thin-skinned - I've been called drunkard, idiot and pervert amongst other things but I was being provocative at the time so didn't really mind. ABCTales is the most open site I've ever been on and isn't run by megalomaniac moderators like many others I could name. The writing's good, and the other writing-related threads kept helpful and constructive but on this one just about anything goes. But don't expect a free ride if you're free with your opinions.
Spartarcad, you eez crazy. :-) * P * :-) ( Read my blog! - )

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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