What Should A Man Carry With Him?

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What Should A Man Carry With Him?

i have been asked this

i'm thinking about it but wondered what you lot think ...

should it be his slippers?

Slippers Clean underwear. Kit-Kat Chunky. With those a man can take on the world. All else is frippery.
an inflated sense of his own worth


Lip balm and breath mints. I'd second Hox with the 'clean underwear' as well.
A guitar and a cheeky grin.
some spare change, a donor card, and a condom HED KEEQUAI

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

A Swiss army knife. A sense of humour. A credit card. A ticket home, (wherever that may be). and if he's REALLY lucky, the love of a good woman.


i got a fridge magnet from a friend ... it says .... Men have feelings too ... but who really gives a shit? hmmm i don't care what a man should carry but i am bloody sure a woman should carry a big fuck off GUN grrrrrrrrrrrr
a smile :-) ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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A Lunchbox of Infinite Sandwiches... ~PEPS~ “There is no spoon.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I agree with Hox on the Kit Kat chunky. My man becomes horrifically grumpsome when his sugar level gets too low. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


A gag. An automatic gag. The kind that leaps from the pocket and glues itself over the mans mouth when fuckwittery is threatening to blurt.
i like a man who carries a pencil
....sticking out of his eye? Me too.
Goodness, the Man-Haters Brigade is out in force this afternoon...
oh i don't just hate men ... *glares pointedly*
*points fingeredly*
i think some arrow repellent would be handy ... for a man to carry ...
Tsk, such a lot of energy given over to negativity...why bother?
so ... a pencil ... and a wit sharpener .... (ideal for either gender)
and a dual sex automatic gag...
Save the gag, cath, it won't work on her.


missi should carry a towel ...
Oooh, the Bobsie Twins! How cute!
I had a few suggestions when first reading the post, now deffo some body armour. nobody
Women who hate men attract men who hate women. Glad I'm not one of those. Poor wee girlies.
And she knows that to be true, as she did a Btec National Diploma in it.
And a Phd.
i think i read a book of that title ... was it by her when she was Emotional Laureate?
Pfft. I'm sure the both of you have doctorates in Negative Psychology.
I think it was when she was working as a Customer Advisor for the Men who Hate Women therapy board. She headed it up in three weeks you know. She knows what she's talking about.
anyway ... quite off the subject ... tut tut ... i think a man should carry his ears ...
Now what on earth would I do with the towel, fishy?


oooh that reminds me. A deckchair.
and a packet of jaffas. Fish, what would a man need EARS for?
dry your hands when you've been to the lav silly!
Some Jaffa cakes wouldn't go amiss either, Eamonn.


I can see I'm running slow today.


come on keep up!
A sense of inner dignity is always nice, and maybe an ironwood baton to fend off any harpy perimenopausal man-haters who might be lurking about.
"Fish, what would a man need EARS for?" To stop his glasses falling off. The oldies are still goldies.
i'd quite like a man who carried sachets of ketchup
Ah yes, I see what what you're referring to. That doesn't happen anymore, it got so people were reminding me when I forgot to do it. I've moved on now, I just slag slimey instead, it's so much more fun.


chocolates for me ( I'm currently munching my way through a box of Thornton's classic collection...on the second layer) jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


tissues and a knowledge of horticulture jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


i think i know what i would like best a man who carried copies of his own prize winning poetry collection/novel ... but in a kind of dignified way ...
...on regardless


but Fish, once, about three years ago, you said 'Never marry a poet' so what would you do with the prize winning writer man? Get it on with his assonance, alliteration and clever para-rhymes and then walk out? jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


that's about the size of it ... yes jude ...
I thought she said heather, curry, and suet. I've been making drop scones to the wrong recipe all these years.............


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