Sadly not, *feels ashamed* but I still have it in my head to 'do it' . I am down to 3 or 4 a day so I hope I will be more succesful in my future efforts. Looking to the positive, 9 months, 2 weeks and 4 days off the booze though!
*Guzzles Lemonade*
that is brilliant jude ... ages ... well done
alcohol is such an appalling thing sometimes ... i have seen it completely distort people ... horribly ...
mingiest? shurely not. I've made you a virgin daquiri, as they'd call them in the US of A. Here Jude. We don't need a doorman.
I could do with a daquri myself.
Mingingest or most minging, sorry.
As this is a pub we can make those random comments one does and I'd like to know why I've been looking at men's bottoms a lot on tubes lately. Apart from the obvious which is I get on early and get a seat and often therefore have men's bottoms at eye level. I'm just wondering why I'm noticing these things, is it some kind of hormonal thing that kicks in at 30?
"Cacoethes scribendi"
Oh yes, smoking permitted. And there is plenty of tea/coffee here. Alcohol is by no means necessary. And your name was on the online list when I did this post.
Great. Gin and tonic. Double. Sexual peak at 30? Is this true? Is it really? Or is it something 30 year old women say to legitmately cop off with 18 year olds? Does this mean I can legitimately cop off with 18 year olds?
*downs gin*
Not that I'd want to cop off with 18 year olds you understand.
*downs another*
The idea of copping off with an 18 year old is horrible. My brother will be 18 on Saturday and to make a move on any of his friends, urgh well it would just seem very very wrong... anyway a man only really starts to look like a man at about 24 and its getting later and later (I almost believe the urban myth that it's caused by women flushing HRT pills down the loo and it gets into the environment)
"Cacoethes scribendi"