Your personal development prayers answered

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Your personal development prayers answered

My good friend Otis and I have put together a website on personal development.

We provide strategies for dealing with stuff like career development, spirituality and emotional intelligence, and there’s even a tool to help solve vexing problems.

You may be interested to know there have been strong objections to my biog which appears towards the end of the ‘About us’ page.

People on the hosting company’s user forum said the information I provided about my career would undermine trust in the site. I don't think so.

If you have any comments about the site, I’d be interested to hear them.

Apologies in advance for the spellings, which are like that for technical reasons.

You can find me and Otis at:

PS: The site is a total no-commerce zone. All the information is free. There are no ads of any kind (neither banner nor Adsense), there are no affiliate links and absolutely nothing is for sale.

LMAO! Nice work, brooosh. I'm going to try the DIY anagram maker!
That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. :) Lisa
That is very funny in places. It'll gain a cult following.
Thanks AG, Lisa and Tony. I really appreciate your comments. You may be interested to know that according to the Live searchengine there are 1,751 "personal developmnet guru" listings. And out of all of these mycat is ranked number 4 in the world. What can it mean? PS: Hope the diy anagram maker came up trumps for you AG.
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