Roots & Wings ~Cherry Picked!

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Roots & Wings ~Cherry Picked!

Thank you SOOOOOO much Dear Editors, for Chrerry-Picking my humble effort to bring the plight of poor Zimbabwe people, to notice. ( )
Hopefully more people will read it now.
If you understood 'Roots & Wings' I also wrote 'An Easter Tragedy' ( )
which was published here in our local West Australian Community newspaper, and in 'The Scruffy Dog Review' and on-line journey from Edinburugh, over Easter.
More on my website:
Thanks again for your vote of support.

I read these when you first posted them and I really enjoyed Roots and Wings. Have you been to zimbabwe? You managed to convince me that you really knew the place. I think Lawrence Durrell coined the phrase 'Spirit of Place' and you've got it. I wasn't so keen on Easter Tragedy. Well written poem but I find political poems difficult to enjoy. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


no one comments on my cherry work anymore. makes me sad lol.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

It's because you are getting so old, Mike! I cherried your piece Frances because (a) it is very well written and (b) because it says something that needs saying loud and clear. I thought it was a brilliant statement on a dreadful scar on the international landscape - congratulations!
Check out my website: Thanks so much everyone. Mike - sorry... TCook: YES - I wrote it to get the word OUT! Jude - I grew up in (Northern Rhodesia)Zambia and spent a lot of long weekends and holidays down in (Southern Rhodesia) Zimbabwe. In fact (Salisbury) Harare was where my brother went to boarding school so we visited quite often. LOVED THE PLACE! I read a board called the Great North Road for people who lived in Zambia and we often get to read Eddie Cross' newsletters sent from Bulawayo in Zimbabwe - he writes very well of the ordinary person who's trying hard to eat, sleep somewhere safe and have hope... it's so sad. The country and it's people have tremendous potential, not realised.
I thought so! Too often when someone sees a place or situation on the telebox, they think they are then qualified to write about it and it is obvious to the reader that they don't know the person, place or thing personally. It isn't absolutely essential to write about something you have first hand experience of but it helps as your poem proves. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Congrats though, getting em really gives you a great feeling. Old? please...

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Check out my website: Actually Jude, we're going to another (last one in UK in 2002) huge reunion of people we knew from Zambia and Zimbabwe to be held in South Africa in 2008. My husband is organising the bands which used to play together 30plus years ago... it will be fun to catch up with many of I haven't seen for that long! Also 'tcook' - I have quoted you on my blog here:
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