Imp by Bev
I always enjoy a story of the very strange set in the everyday mundane.
This was an unrushed piece - the scene was well laid out and believable.
i think the descriptions of the Imp could be brushed up - when the lady first describes it, thought it would have been more disjointed, rather than just plainly describing a fiver-metre tall imp, it deflated the tension.
The same when they chase the thing down the alley - the neighbour's description of what she thought she saw was a bit too matter-of-fact for me. These descriptions could be worked up into something much better and the story would work better because it is heading towards the revelation: I was reading on through this with the "what happens next" feeling which is a good sign so don't let us down with the punch!
One other crit - You could perhaps mention the couple's age further up near the beginning, the detail just wandered in and seemed out of place to me.
But, this was a great story, good read, nice one Bev. right up my street.