To Be A Writer
To be a writer is frustrating. I look around at everyone on this site and think "gee, they all write better than I do." and simmer in my frustration. Or, I write something and post it, thinking it's pretty darn marvelous and then, when it's not cherry picked, am left scratching my head wondering why it wasn't.
Does no cherry from Tcook mean my writing isnt good? Does it mean he didnt have time to read it? Perhaps it just wasnt his style?
These are things that go through my head, when I see my latest piece that I thought was pretty darn good wasnt cherry picked.
I sit there, wondering a bit, for a day or so and then, like clockwork, in about month, i'll post another piece.
Does this happen to anyone else? Or, do you feel diffrently about the whole process?
How do I know if I suck at writing or if I'm good at it?