Angst ridden, lovelorn and bullied - an appeal.

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Angst ridden, lovelorn and bullied - an appeal.

Dear ABCers

It’s official. Adults are totally irresponsible and unreliable. Before Christmas my writer Christine (definitely an adult) was cheerfully posting my story on this website and then she just stopped. No apologies, no explanation. How irresponsible is that? No doubt she will have some boring adult excuse like being busy or sick or ‘real life’ getting in the way. Since when was real life more important than fiction? Anyway, she left me angst ridden, bullied, lovelorn and coping with a crazed mother, then she just dumped me. And the problem is that even though she is back and ready to post again, the next chapter has a big ‘reveal’. Well, you can’t have a big reveal without knowing what went before, can you? So I am begging you to please reread at least the last chapter posted to refresh your memory. You will be doing a troubled twelve year old boy a big favour. It will be like donating to a children’s charity without having to part with any money. It will be like earning your wings before you get to heaven. It will be ….. I’ve run out of metaphors.

Please, I am begging you. Read a little bit here so Christine can start posting again. Not sure how to add in a link, but here goes...

Adda girl, Christine. I'm always looking out for your name and this hilarious story. I should really be thanking boy wonder for showing how irresponsible we adults can be when we start crawling up our backsides for a January hibernation. Off to read.


Anonymous's picture
Thank you. You are kind and forgiving. Will start posting again soon.
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