Free short story competition

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Free short story competition

Free competition - a Scottish publisher is running a free competition for short stories about the end of the world. (a scotsman, talking about us all being doomed, surely not?)

Prize £100, word limit 5,000, submission date 30 June

For details see:

NB: no previously published works acceptable, including works posted on any website

Free competition, long word limit, what's the catch? = the world's going to end before you can claim the prize, obviously.

Forgot to say, you're allowed two submissions per person.


Nice post Terrence, thank you.


when is the end of the world exactly? Never mind. I'll ask the other Terence Oblong, a far nicer fellow that seems to know so much more.


At last, a constructive and helpful post. Thanks Terence.


After the last few weeks of abctales I think we're all well prepared for writing about the end of all things.


true Terence. true.


Thanks Terence!