What, EXACTLY is the point?
In 2006 I uploaded three stories for consideration hoping to get reads and then tips and encouragement. I got a few hundred reads in the nine years since but not a single comment, good or bad. That, frankly, is appalling.
Writing community? You have got to be kidding me!
Clique? Perhaps. Community? No, I don't think so.
I think I will bow out and not waste any more time here.
Sorry chaps and ladies but this has sickened me beyond belief. How could over 600 people read a story and none of them have a single thing to say about it?
Even if they only said, "this is rubbish" it would have at least been something. I hope, therefore, that I do not get any more emails from this site talking about a great 'community of writers' wanting to 'help each other out.' Clearly, that is NOT the case at all.
Rant over.
And so am I.
Hi, neo111. I certainly can understand the frustration at not being read. But I've found the best remedy to not being read is to read the work of others. Then respond with some support for the writer's efforts. Even if be in the form of a helpful critique. Also, I see that it's been nine years since you last posted on the site. I wish you had brought the subject up back then. Maybe we wouldn't be losing you now. All the best to you.
You are extremely patient to wait nine years.Sad to hear you are sickened and scarred by this abominable response to your stories. Behind every community is a clique or is that behind every clique is a community?
Perhaps we have got better at offering a welcome since 2006. When I joined in 2013 Jolono posted a lovely welcoming comment, also CM. Don't view us all as meanies and keep posting
I'm definetly a meanie and don't let anyone take it away from me. We are a writting community in that we write. Getting your work read is a bonus that is worth treasuring. Comments are nice, but really if you need comments start an argument as you have done.
Sorry you feel that way Neo111. I came to ABCTales having not written a word of fiction since I left school and the encouragement I received was amazing. I don't expect a 'critique' on my work as people really don't have the time to devote to such things. I'm guilt of not commenting when I should, but I still feel lacking in confidence on that side of things. It's not a clique - I do have favourite writers on the the site, who I gravitate towards, but that's natural.
thornywood: why?
Steve, you have got a flat and you say you have got it looking nice. May I suggest that you save up a little money (easier said than done) and visit Amsterdam for a few days holiday first. Hang on to your flat for now. Also it is best to get a passport before you start travelling. They are useful ID and you may want to visit other countries.Take care Elsie
inserponceyfrenchname you mentioned in above post that you could delete posts if I wanted. I would be grateful if you would delete all posts under my user name, thornwood.over
ok, that's all done Steve. I've left your request above as an explanation in case people wonder where half the thread went.
Im changing and have been changing meds overr the last few weeks but when it settles I will explain why you were responsible for having some one, a vulnerable enough person bullied in the community
Humaniterians please
Like the big issue were in london on the prime sites the same body there for years built like the side of a house like cambridge
Humaniterians eh
The big issheust realise thats what is really about its mot really humaniterian but in the south of england is about how agressive you are gets best pitches that was my rxperience if any of the writers who use the site want to know whyi post this well obvioulsey cause mr who runs the big issue works here to. I reckon he
Thats what I dont understand mr birds interview to the daily mail online 5 november about the big issue read it the daily mail uks most right wing paper talking about the big issue and how its championing human rights I lawys thought big issue abctales was vey far to the left if anything but you see mr bird thats the full story research shows in some citys and towns the same person is on the same spot for long time usually in accomodation and well my experience is its like howhard you are gets you the spot not very democratic to say some 8 stone skinny kid who cant fight but may be homeless eh see the sense in it. Its not fair and I would say around the big issue sellers should have a contracted period of time to sell it giving every one a chance and well sending me those emails last night clearly you monitored my use on the site to that and last night because of that I had a mentaal health crisis which has affected me all day mental health issues are complex just because you dont understand it dont mean its not real, paranoia is a real part of my illness at the moment amd making me feel like iwas being watched yesterday do you see the harm in this. Anyway take what u want from it.
Dealing with mental illness in this land is so difficult especially when the prime minister david cameron uses words like oh they are loonys nuts mental ect is really difficult some times to deal with it
The big issue article is really interesting but from some one has beebn homeless and tried selling the big issue well like I sais my experience is different from what mt bird proclaims about honesty and this kind if stuff being a skinny guy I was moved of all the good big issue pitches by vendors who seemed to be well built and who were on these spots every day earning a lot of money and clearly buying drugs and alcohol and basically yeah they threaten you with violence if you dont move. Just my experience. Im sorry if that is you dont want to hear. But never the less its my experience.
Sorry I meant to type mr bird. Sometimes my anxiety disorder gets the better of me.
I need to add that after my experiences being homeless and around the big issue I will not buy another copy but instead now I give money to people I think are genuinly homeless and strongly disagree with your points in the article that you should not give money to people begging but we are allowed out own points of view arnt we.
I feel like I should say sorry I dont know what for well incase I have offended anyone. Over the years since I have had mental health issues and sometimes when the anxiety and stress gets to much it can seem and infact it ius true that I can say stuff I do not mean, although nowadays most of the time I have a grip on it but anyway sorry. Mental health, a subject of our times. I think more is needed to be done in communitys. I hh
Ave an idea mental health anonymous to start like aa and na except mha maybe not so much the twelve steps but to give people a space inn the community, daily to be able to speak about iissies they may have around mental health. Sorry ill try and stay away now.
Im not saying all big issue sellers are like this.