Approaching Publishers
Tue, 2015-07-21 17:35
Approaching Publishers
Good morning from Canada.
Can anyone advise on the writing of a query letter to a publisher. Ive attempted to download samples, but find that the examples of successful letter is usually from someone already published. Does anyone know of a site that can help??
I'd guess any query letter you download would give you a template. You'd need to adapt it, tailor it to the story you are telling.
Write a novel, send it in its entirety, put your email address/ phone no at the top/bottom/wherever and if they like it they'll get in touch. Shimples
Google Writers & Artists and go to their website. You'll get all the advice you need there - on this and lots of other topics.
thank you
Smitty, I have a lot of information about this. I'm not able to give it to you here or at the moment. I'll get in touch next week. Scorpio's prompt towards The Wrters and Artist Year Book is a great place to start. If you've got a completed manuscript that's the best thing ever written and you get this introductory aspect wrong it will count for nothing. Hang back from sending anything off until you are confident the letter containing a blurb and synopsis of your work is spot-on.