Being Human, a Festival of the Humanities…”

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Being Human, a Festival of the Humanities…”

A touch late in posting info about   “…Being Human,  a Festival of the Humanities…”


Can I suggest you take a look into what’s on offer throughout the UK.


“…Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy, Being Human is a national forum for public engagement with humanities research. The festival highlights the ways in which the humanities can inspire and enrich our everyday lives, help us to understand ourselves, our relationships with others, and the challenges we face in a changing world…”



Events such as  …Explore your hopes and fears with a special open access collection of essays, journals and books created especially for this year's festival…” 


Plus lots more events happening in your area, to find out more please follow the link     




Some of the events in Exeter look good. I might go to the football photography exhibition at the Heritage Lounge at St James Park simply because I know nothing about footie and supporting the Grecians means a lot to so many Exeter people. Live and learn.


Thanks leaving a comment elsie.

Hope the weather didn't put you off for a visit to the Hertage Lounge.

Lots more on at the Uni re Syria, but I understand the films and talks are quite upsetting.




Stephen d

Hope you found something of interest Steve.



Never made it due to busy week. Hope they run something similar next year.

Hello elsie.

Perhaps the    '... Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery...' may suffice in the meantime.

Open all year round, plus if you get a chance pop in to Exeter central library and grab a slice of their lemon drizzle cake


I sometime go in Ramm and of course Exeter Library. Exeter Library is very handy as a 'chill space' when I am teaching Creative Writing in Exeter from 2-4 and then go on my Ukulele group at 7pm as I do not want to run back and forward to Exmouth  in between. It's a good library. I also enjoy the shows at the Bike Shed Theatre.