Original words
Wed, 2001-08-01 18:14
Original words
Just wondered if anyone used words that wouldn't be found in the dictionary? I use the word 'slobberchops' for a messy eater. I wish all of us said 'toodles' as a form of goodbye and I have been known to exclaim 'ooya mingers' when something hurts.
Are there any other original words out there?
Toodles for now,
Flup - an abbreviation of full-up but it somehow conveys the feeling far better
One of my friends used to think 'incredulous' was a made up word - from incredible and fabulous. It literally took us weeks to convince him otherwise.
My favourite has got to be piffle though. I'm not sure if it's made up or not, but some girl I used to go to school with used it instead of swearing, coz her mum would ground her for swearing. So she was also giving it 'oh piffle', it really bitter and angry tones.
Confuddled is a good one too - it describes this expression my dog always has when she gets confused.
'bletch' is a wonderful word. It describes all that is vile and ridiculous at the same time.
'wobbital' was used by youngest daughter when she was three or four. it means the same as wobbly but somehow is far more descriptive - it's entered our family language.
i heard someone say recently how it is possible to make an original word meaning “drunk”, by adding the suffix –ed to pretty much any noun
for example, one can get completely trousered on sloe gin…
I use "favourant" to mean my favourite restaurant.
though it changes occasionally.....
I'm quite attached to saying 'really rather groovy', really rather fast, bemuddling everyone really, rather.
'Wobbital' is awesome. Kids are the greatest at coming up with these words. They are all innocence and wonder and assume they are saying something highly intelligent. And if you think about, they are!
My sister in law has so many. I have begun to borrow some of hers. She borrows some of mine as well. Whopper-gilted is when something is really messed up (it's all whopper-gilted). Spriz-ed (my personal favorite) is when you lay on the couch all spread out (I'm gonna' go pull a big spriz-ed on the couch.). Schna-zag is to take something that doesn't belong to you (I'm going to go schna-zag her new shirt before she gets a chance to wear it.). Those a just a few of my favs. If I think of any others, I'll be sure to add them here.
I am definitely going to be adopting some of these if you don't mind! I especially like schna-zag and as it happens I schna-zagged my sister's top at the weekend but I'd better keep that quiet as she doesn't know yet!
Fer chrissake, just when I thought I'd got the hang of this language you girls have to go change everything!
Sorry mississippi didn't mean to confuss, I mean confuse you in any way!
Toodles by which I mean bye of course.
There are so many. My fave is Crikey! Though, Pragmatical is the fave about some one going on a rant
As part of my new novel I am writing a whole dictionary of new words. Very complex to remember them all.
Fantabulous.....I couldn't use fabulous after I met a bloke called Mr Fabulous...who was very ordinary...it spoiled the word for me.
That is one of my favourite words too Martin!! But now I won't be able to use it.
Well maybe one last time - absolutely fab dahling!!
Please feel free to use it...it shouldn't die with me!!!
If this is so fey, then my Dad has a garage full of foof!!
My uncle Jim was worst for drink one night and lost his footing fell into a hedge row, since then we have said if someone is drunk.... they are right Jim-in the-hedge. (Jiminehedge)
And if my mum dropped something or made a mistake she used to say OH fried egges and frickel fusses.
Another word related to drunkenness is hiccurp - which is when you hiccup and burp all at the same time!!
Shenanigans.......which basically means nonsense,bad behaviour, etc
jiggory-pokery....which sort of means dodgy
I'm going to adopt some of these myself. Another one I thought of is 'diddilee doohah'. It means nothing. As in, 'If you don't do this, you'll get diddilee doohah.' I like foof. I know I must have a ton of foof. I knew someone who used to say women didn't fart they poofed. She was a strange girl.
ya bin watchin too much of the simpsons ;-o
Alcofrol.......a convergence of booze and frolics
Martin, I will definitely add that one to my vocabulary!