Quote of the Day

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Quote of the Day

We have a daily Quote of the Day" on the homepage. How about a Quote of the Day chosen from the writings of ABCtalers? You know the kind of think, like Ralph Dartford's "Skint as a broken biscuit and crumbling by the second." You've certainly got enough good material to choose from. Just a thought.

Anonymous's picture
and an excellent thought it is too Karl
Anonymous's picture
Here, Here.
Anonymous's picture
If my luck was elastic it would not be enough to hold up Barbies knickers.
Diana Bird, Editor
Anonymous's picture
Hi, I think that's a great idea. If anyone wants to send me quotes they like I will put them up. Cheers, Diana
Diana Bird, Editor
Anonymous's picture
Hi, I think that's a great idea. If anyone wants to send me quotes they like I will put them up. Cheers, Diana
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