I am David Ritchie

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I am David Ritchie

There appears to be two david ritchie's here. I read the comments in the threads, and I am the one who wrote Sarah and many of the other short stories and poetry.
If the fellow calling himself/herself richiedavid would please stand up, I would like to know you.
I was pleased to see some of you have enjoyed my work.
Times are tough here, I'm pleased to have your (all of you) interesting and witty threads to read.
And to all you in the UK. Well, hell, all I can say is thank you and I love you.
David Ritchie
The Real One

Anonymous's picture
Do you have any idea how funny this is?? I think his name is Richie David, right? Actually, it might be a coincidence! His/your first name and a last name and his last name is a first name kind of like mine (Michael Lawrence, Lawrence Michael.) But unless you wrote a story called "Death From a Teenager," then I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm not sure if Richie is coming back anyway!!
Anonymous's picture
the other richie has gone to the dogs. there's no tea you see?
Tony Bellair
Anonymous's picture
Ahh, that explains everything.
Anonymous's picture
It does??? *confused as usual*
Anonymous's picture
and you thought it was a coincidence that 'beach' is included in my e-mail address? This, my friends, is a coincidence. I have a sneaking suspition this site is located somewhere in the realms of THE TWILIGHT ZONE. do do do do-do do do doooo
Anonymous's picture
Well you would wouldn't you mad_dog AJ !!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous's picture
Actually, I have been fooling you all!! I am, in fact, Richie's other personallity in a parallel universe. Don't ask me how I got out, but I did, and I am here to infect you all! Hah hah hah!! (Infect you with what, they forgot to tell me) I'm still wondering about the beach thing... are you my contact, max_dog?
Anonymous's picture
Richie is dead, I murdered him. And you would be none the wiser because you think I am him. Ingenious! That is why they call me mad. Dont ask about the dog.
Anonymous's picture
If you murdered Richie, mad_dog, then why does he keep popping back up? More importantly, if you murdered Richie, then why do YOU keep popping back up? Eh?
David Ritchie
Anonymous's picture
Mad Dog, I hate to tell you this, but-----------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU MISSED! I'm alive! I'M ALIVE! David Ritchie The Real One
Anonymous's picture
No, I'MMMM the real Richie! (Of a parallel universe, that is.) And you missed me too, Max_dog/Mad_dog/Richie. But my skin (?) is unbreakable, so you couldn't kill me if I tried. (Plus I live in Kansas and most people would rather slice their wrists than come here!)
Anonymous's picture
This is all very strange, as I also know a David Ritchie. He is a real and likeable person, who doesn't appear to be either of the Davids involved in this topic thread. The one I know is a Church of England minister, who I last saw at Harvest festival on Sunday 7.10.01
Anonymous's picture
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