developments from Govt

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developments from Govt

English Government finally wise up to cannabis not being the most evil drug of all time (thanks a lot to Anne Widdecombe for making it clear to Labour what a hard-line drug stance makes people think of politicians) and now I hear that the European Parliament are going to stop Customs and Excise putting limits on how much alcohol and fags can be brought back cheap from France.

I'm guessing Funky Seagull is going to be one happy little bird.

Afghan's Tan
Anonymous's picture
Ferlinghetti is a Beat Poet, man. I added the 'Si' to see if you are still alive, dude. Rumour has it that you are 'Back'. Back with a lot of 'Front', as per. Did you filch my stash, man? What goes around comes around, like the Magic Roundabout. Didya ever see that freaky show?. Magic – as in mushrooms, huh? We are stardust, we are golden. Riddle me this -what is turning the Roundabout? It’s Mach’s principle on acid – acceleration can be defined only relative to the distant stars; we are starchildren riding a magical mystery tour roundabout tugged by far-flung galaxies. It’s so freaking obvious! As Maharishi Yoko said – As Above, So Below. Whatever that friggin means. And it's all coded language, doncha know… Zebed E's are good etc. Didya notice that Dylan and Amyl both contain the letters a, l & y? Don’t try tell me that’s just a coincidence! Hey, and E-rmintrude... sheesh! One cool cow..
spag man
Anonymous's picture
I am not "in" with beat poets myself. I'll try and check him out. As always the rumour mill is true. Thank two people for the return of The Spag Man. I wont divulge their names for fear they might get hung for their crimes. As a kid I loved Magic Roundabout and never really thought of it as trippy. Proved how much of an innocent I was. I watched it recently and saw how trippy it really was. Still loved it.
Bobbing Dylan
Anonymous's picture
Bit of a late starter, eh, Spag?
Anonymous's picture
Well, giving Customs and excise a slap sounds like a good idea. But.. we've been able to bring back enough (far too much, in some cases) for ages now - at least for personal and family consumption. So, who'd actually benefit from freeing up the cross-Channel "trade"? The white van brigade. Yup, I fully agree that we've got very little out of the so-called "common market" ( ha-flipping-ha), but the only logical answer is to equalise prices over here - and that just ain't gonna happen. What will happen is that the booze trade will be in car parks, from the back of vans, even more than it is now. Kent's already suffering from wholesale pub shutdowns because of this trade. And it's unregulated - where do all these boozed-up kids get their stuff from? Not pubs or proper off-licences, in most cases. Who'll get rich? A new generation of Capones, untaxed and scruple-free. Sorry to sound like an old fart, but I'd rather see alcohol sales regulated and confined to adults. I'm sure that CAMRA fully agrees.
Anonymous's picture
well I won’t be happy until it is compulsory for politicians to *use* cannabis. then like the rest of us they could have proper debates about which is the best chocolate bar ever, and whether it’s possible to make your own cotton wool... the world will be a much safer place, gordon brown will say he can't be arsed with a budget this year, prescott will stop thumping people and become Minister for Takeaways...
munchies 'r' us
Anonymous's picture
......has anyone got any mars bars....I really fancy one...or crisps...or cold pizza.....shall we all go off to the all night garage....of course they won't go up to the man...he won't think it's strange to ask for 10 mars bars and a packet of rizlas.....
Anonymous's picture
Robert, dear, they already have... What on earth do you think Blair et al were doing in Uni in the 60s? Not studying, surely. Perhaps they didn't inhale, though... Munches (I feel I know you well), you'd get busted for that when I last graced the shores of the UK. Perhaps there is progress...of a sort.
spag man
Anonymous's picture
Yes indeed I am.
Mary Joanna
Anonymous's picture
I was in Amsterdam last week. Do you guys remember buying your first pint legally at eighteen? It wasn't half as much fun as the pints bought in the years before . Well, that was what it was like in Amsterdam with the green stuff. Or is it just me?
Anonymous's picture
Nah, course it ain't. That's just the nature of the beast. Er...what's 'green stuff'? Must dash off of A'dam and try some...
Afghan Stan
Anonymous's picture
It's like, wow, you know, it's been a long time mmm...slow train coming, like Dylan said, didn't he say it all? Legal Street or something.. that's where we'll be... Timothy Leery, man, he was the Head Honcho... Turn Up, Tune Out, Drop cool futhermucker. And that dude from scrooge - Bob Marley's ghost... spirit in the sky, eight miles high, don't bogart that joint, Easy Friggin Rider wow! Naked Lunchbunch, wizard od Oz trials, Puff the Magic Dragon, Allen Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti Si, Gregory Corso, I sing the electric body!!! Poetry, man, but poetry with a roach in it. Poetry ya can suck. Yeah - poetry sucks, man! Love and peace. Love is all you need!!!!!!!! Where's my stash? Which c**t filched my f****ing stash????
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I say! Sounds terribly intriguing... Off to book a flight right now...
spag man
Anonymous's picture
At long last. Class C. But as said earlier, is it as good when you can get it legally or semi-legally? Of course it is. I am off to plant my tree and get off my nut on my wacky backy :-) And who is this Ferlinghetti Si fellow?
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