Furious Of Leytonestone

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Furious Of Leytonestone

Dear Staff of ABCTales

Yestaday I was lucky enough to have my name tagged to the story and poem of the day. I was thrilled and slightly embarrased because there are many writers on the site who deserve one or the other. The point is, the front page was knackered yestaday and no-one got to see the work., Today it has changed of course with diffrent writers (excellent writers) as the story and poem of the day.

Me Mum missed it.

Furious of Leytonestone

Anonymous's picture
shouldn't this thread be titled Foxy of Leytonstone?
Anonymous's picture
Or Furious but dead foxy....
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I know your pain Ralph, I had poem of the day a few months ago (yellow hat....) and the link didn't take readers to my poem but to the story of the day instead which was I'm sure an exellent one......but not my one..... ex-furious of Clapton
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Well I saw your story and poem on front page Ralph - did you try Refresh ? Bit galling for you if you didn't get to see it, particularly since I think it was the first time one writer had got both on the same day. For anyone that missed it, Ralph's Poem of the Day was "Sometimes I go looking" and Story of the Day was "Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life". Go and read them. Now, go now.
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Andrew Yup, tried refrehing all night. Apprantly the page concerned was up for about an hour last night (Fish told me0 and then it reverted to the old page and that was still there this morning on three diffeent computers that I tried. The page turned into todays page round about eleven this morning. Something is rotten in Demark I think. The more I think about it the more angry I am Ralph
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
That's very odd - it was up from about 1pm yesterday until about 11am today and all worked fine from here. Which old page did it revert to? I didn't get that at work or at home when I was on the site and that's distinctly odd behaviour! I didn't get any e-mails about it and I usually get at least 5 or 6 every time there's a problem on the site. Really sorry about this. To make up for it, tell your mum to look at the front page now as I've added in plugs for both pieces under the 'Meet and talk to other ABCtalers' sub-head. Cheers Em
Anonymous's picture
i saw them both on the front page ralph! mind you, i'd read them before you were famous and furious.
Anonymous's picture
i saw ralph's double whammy earlier in the day but then the page seemed to revert to the previous days which it still was this morning ... curiouser and curiouser ....
Anonymous's picture
I hate to do this but I have to agree with the fish. That is exactly what happened. Never mind Ralphie darling, those of us that get the daily e-mail saw your double billing. Have a lie down for a while.
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Dear All I have had a nice cup of tea and now feel a lot better. Sorry to be a pain. Ralph
Ralph Dartford
Anonymous's picture
Emily Thanks for doing that, so sweet. But Kapra is spelt Capra. I need more Camomile. Ralph
Anonymous's picture
Okay, this sort of belongs on this thread. At last, someone else has noted the existence of two front pages at the same time!! A few months ago, when I had a set-top box and no cheap access deal, I'd check the site rapidly. On several occassions, I noticed the counter on one of my stories whizzing up - the sure sign that it was an SoD. Email check always proved me right, but another check of the front page invariably showed the previous day's and the previous SoD. Yet , obviously, SOME people were getting the current one.. can anyone explain this phenomenon??
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
*blushes* Capra, Kafka, OK, I got confused. *Very* sorry! But thanks for being nice about it :-) I've got techies looking into the 'two front pages' problem. The instant thing that springs to mind is that some browsers(AOL in particular but we'll look into set top boxes too cos they seem to be quite sulky) store things in a cache for rather longer than normal and pull the pages from there rather than from what is actually on the site. Hitting refresh (F5 if you're on a PC) may mean you get the most recent page. We'll try to get to the bottom of this and I'll keep you updated on what we find. Cheers Em PS: Ralph, I'll buy you a beer tomorrow night!
Basil B Rush
Anonymous's picture
Define 'foxy'.
Up for a Challenge
Anonymous's picture
Foxy, tricky, crafy, reddish-brown in colour, hot-coloured.
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