What's in a name?
Was thinking (unusual for me) about the spotted Richard thing and wondering where all this PC is taking us...
For instance, an Irish friend was telling me today that a certain brand of (Paddy...oooh!) cereal which shall, for the time being, remain nameless, used to sport a cosy kitchen scene on its packet, involving Granny preparing brekkie for the dear little grandkids, whilst contented feline sat ogling milky bowls. It was decided, however (by those that decide these things - wotta job!), that portraying said cat in the vicinity of victuals was unhygienic, so scrap the cat (they were told). And 'they' did.
Noddy is no longer allowed to kip alongside Big Ears...
Bert and Ernie were virtually incarcerated for living in the same house, never mind sharing the same cosy sleeping quarters...
The dear ol' Golliwog is now a political no-no (though the jam tastes the same)...
Wonder what they're going to suggest for toad-in-the-hole?