In The Mood For Confession ...
Wed, 2001-10-24 21:25
In The Mood For Confession ...
oh yes ... the mood is upon me ... i confess that the link to the website on my page is not actually a link to MY website (which i haven't built yet ...) ...
i do apologise for any undue excitement caused by the idea that i might be a young lush blonde songstress ... BUT ... the motive WAS pure ... i thought young melfish could do with the exposure ...
and apparently i AM her role model ... poor gal ...
so now let us have some other confessions ... everyone did very well on the crying at films thread ... go ON ... it's good for the soul ...
...i thought people might get the wrong idea...the bishop was doing a gig at Downside....we were his team of helpers, to swing incense, hand him wine and all that....but think what you like my conscience is clear..
vicky, I only went to Downside once for a big mass-type thingy, probably around 1979 just before my retirement, when going around in a skirt type thing was not attracting enough girls...
When I was about 14 years old I confess I tried a taste of `Whiskers` cat food, when feeding the cat. I had always liked the smell. It was truly disgusting. Is that sick or what?
Missi, I don't plan on being alive in 35 years. But if I do I'll blame you for the wrinkles.
Oh my god, is this a suicide note?
I have a confession to make. I think sleuth is a mxxxxr fxxxxr.
I have a confession to make
I am sick to death of the bitching.
Bring back tags on headers for Christs sake!!!
Wow, an e-mail confessional - tailor-made for a lazy Catholic boy like me. Deep breath, here goes.
Forgive me Father, but
years ago I stole my then current girlfriend's Atlantic Crossing LP (Rod Stewart) and gave it to my new girlfriend during that brief but ecstatic 'cross-over' period when I was dating 'em both. Then a few weeks later, when I realised the new 'relationship' was failing, I stole it again for my own collection.
To my credit, I've never quite forgiven myself. Not for the theft, lies and the deceit you understand - for liking Atlantic Crossing so much I thought it was worth stealing twice.
I've got the garish pink and black sleeve pinned on my bedroom wall to this day just to remind myself what a low-life I really am.
I feel so much better for getting that off my chest.
Now, who dares to go first with some real-life, down and dirty confessions? I'll know if you're lying - it's a gift I've got.
Let's make it like a game of poker and up the ante until we get someone to confess they've actually buried a body under the slabs or something juicy like that.
I'll start of with a measly, minimum-stake, one-dollar opener by admitting I once raised £250 + sponsorship money on a charity walk and never bothered to hand it in. It wasn't stealing - I just couldn't be arsed with the bureaucracy. I spent about £50 on booze, £50 on girls, £50 at the horse-racing then I just kind of squandered the rest.
On the same theme, how many of the ten commandments have you not broken? Personally, I can't remember ever coverting my neghbours ox. You should see it - scrawny as hell. Doubt if you could get even one bowl of soup out of it's boney tail. 'Cause if my neighbour ever has the decency to get himself a half-decent ox, I'll be right there at the front of the queue, ox-coverting with the best of 'em.
I always thought 'ox' was a euphemism for 'missus'
Not OUR Missus, of course - no-one'd want to covet him, surely?
Even so, Andrea, in the case of me and my neighbour the same applies.
As it happens and strange as it may seem there is something about Mississippi that I do covet. Sorry about the redundant 'r' by the way.
I was only taking the pith, John, as I'm sure 'our Missus' knows...
No Missi, it isn't a suicide note. You foolish chap, you.
I wont explain waht I meant because.....I don't want to.
i had my suspicions Fish.....but I'm buying the Littlefish album anyway so you have played a part in promoting some great music so well done for that....
so in the spirit of confession...I used to be an altar boy, there done it, for 5 years I was there on the gig was ay Downside Abbey, played with the Bishop of Bath a few times........
come on everyone your worst...beat that !!
I once told this girl I fancied that i was Sweedish. It was an absolute lie, I am from Basildon.
gave her a snog though.
I submitted a story to YoungABC for a laugh. Shoot me pleeze. I think I wos drunk.
*dusts off Kalashnikov*
Oh why not?
I was once a male model for Marks & Spencer!
What ever was I thinking of?
martin ... i am delighted you are buying littlefish CD ... you won't be disappointed ...
now ... let me think ... another confession ...
*helps you*
*draws target on mad dog's forehead and confiscates bottle*
In that case Spag I won't understand....because I don't want to!
Can I have my pithpot back please?
fish isn't reading anything at the moment.
now is that clear?
I hope for your sake it made the treasure chest manky_dog. if I couldn't be successful amongst a bunch of kids I think I would shoot myself and save Andrea some household chores.
Mississippi - now there's a photo for the front page. Were you wearing Y-fronts and pointing off into the distance at something intriguing ?
thank you for that delightful image andrew ...
I confess to being useless at algebra and, quite frankly, not seeing the point in it. Unless you're a rocket scientist, of course. I am not a rocket scientist.
I confess to lustful thoughts. Though not nearly as many as in my younger days.
Also to the unrestrained use of profanity. What a joy it is to be able to swear at the world.
Also to secretly being boy band star Ziggy Septum.
Ta Min,
I have to confess I'm not too enthralled at the prospect of scraping innards offa the floor...
As it happens Miss Dunne I was considered to be quite good looking as a lad even in my Y-fronts (although those that thought so always seemed to be wearing glasses which made me think that perhaps their eyesight wasn't up to scratch!).
Sorry andrew I didn't 'do' underwear, it wasn't photographic stuff anyway it was catwalk modelling. The only good bit about it was I got to share the dressing room with all the girls and did I see some lovely accessories! I still go all funny just thinking about it!
Catwalking, Missus? Oooh.
hey Martin T, when did you go to Downside....just out of curiosity, my brother and cousin's went there too..
yeh yeh I or what?
That's my big confession by the way, at least I was till I got kicked out of the convent anyway.
see ya
Oh, I could sashay with the best of 'em!
Martin, I just noticed that you 'played' with the Bishop of Bath!
Is this really the kind of admission we want on a family site?
A lovely game it was, too. I won.
I confess that I have done things I shouldn't have.
Mississippi, my dear fellow. Catwalk model? Well you changed a lot then?
Thirty five years takes a terrible toll on everyone Spag, you'll find out one day!