Ahhhh! (forgive me, I'm hysterical.)

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Ahhhh! (forgive me, I'm hysterical.)

Well.. I wasn't sure where exactly to put this... but anyway.

Found out that I'm one of the 15 overall winners of the Foyle Young Poet of the Year Award! Who knows if this means anything to anyone, but it meant something to my English teacher! It's a national competition, so pretty good!

I won a week long writing course at The Arvon Centre and... well, there's more but hey, I'm just a bit jittery. It was only the second competition I entered, and has really given me more confidence, poetry-wise.

Sorry for gushing... just had to, y'know.


Anonymous's picture
Gush away, Mia. Well done!!! I hope it encourages you to write more and realise that you a bright future ahead of you....
Anonymous's picture
Congrats, your on your way, have faith, believe in yourself, picture your future ----Now go get it.
Mark Brown
Anonymous's picture
Mia, why not post this on the 'general discussion' forum, where more people will see it? Congratulations! [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Thanks everyone! I'll do that Mark! I've just been telling anyone who'll listen *blush*. seratonin levels getting quite high... Mia
Anonymous's picture
Mia, well done girl. . . My first competion was years ago and I also won, so I know 100% how your feeling right now. I wanted to scream at the top of my voice, but at the same time, pass it off as a small exercize. No girl, you shout it out and if anyone does think your bonkers, just hold the thought. "How many competions have they won?" I'm up there with your teacher............among the fanstatic and well dones... Regards Jan
Anonymous's picture
mia, just wanted to say well done. it's harder finding writers to share good news with than it is sharing bad news. i've been to arvon, you'll love it. congrats, donna.
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