Chronicles - Bob Dylan
Wed, 2006-02-22 22:56
Chronicles - Bob Dylan
Probably am v. late reading this and everyone already knows how fab it is, but his language is beautiful, especially when he talks about 'the world of women'. Loved it, don't care if he made it all up, but note with interest that Marianne Faithfull knocking him back, not once but twice, was omitted.
His chronicles. His choice. Nice for her to know she cut deep though.
Can recommend 'Faithfull' as well, what a gal she is.
I've read Marianne's book, it was good.
She is one of the true survivors-even if she does like Mars bars!
Tee. Have been trying to find someone who liked that book for a long long time - I got two of my friends to read it and they both hated it. I thought the scenes she evokes are amazing - like keith dancing like a god on a lilypad (or something along those lines) and getting stopped with a suitcase at customs that contained only peacocks feathers and stones...
Cant really get into Chronicles so far, i found the first chapter a bit blank, but maybe I'll try again.