I have 254 stories published in
10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 143515 times
and 201 of my stories have been cherry picked. 5 of my 137 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 5 votes
I will do a wee journal entry about it, but the main house was built in 1764, the kitchen used to be the basement of a much later house around the corner which actually attaches onto part of the rear of this house. In the late 1920s a deal was...
Ref the prescription, as you may or may not know, I stick to exactly 300 words for these journals, that's part of the challenge of them, sometimes I can't think of 300 words, sometimes I have to edit down. ...
There's sunshine today, the problem is it's been so windy, so it sounds autumnal. My house is particularly wuthering though. Haven't been out as am knee-deep in office, I mean studio, tidy-up. Just found a bag of photos, doesn't bode well for...
Wow Sweetie, Dahling
Posted on Wed, 27 Nov 2024
Thank you so much!
Am off to open the Bolly
Read full commentPosted in Bus Pass [but mostly BPL] Get into a Fix
Thank you
Posted on Wed, 09 Oct 2024
Thank you for the ideas, unfortunately, free entry to Historic Scotland sites is on the first Sunday of each month only, October-March.
The grocery bill was actually £11, but I had £4.37 is clubcard savings and £3.50 clubcard tokens, and...
Read full commentPosted in Habit Tracking - It's a Thing
Thank you
Posted on Sun, 06 Oct 2024
I will do a wee journal entry about it, but the main house was built in 1764, the kitchen used to be the basement of a much later house around the corner which actually attaches onto part of the rear of this house. In the late 1920s a deal was...
Read full commentPosted in Mind the Gap
Ah well
Posted on Sat, 28 Sep 2024
Thanks for your kind comment.
Ref the prescription, as you may or may not know, I stick to exactly 300 words for these journals, that's part of the challenge of them, sometimes I can't think of 300 words, sometimes I have to edit down. ...
Read full commentPosted in Reasons to be Raging - Pt 3
Posted on Fri, 28 Jun 2024
There's sunshine today, the problem is it's been so windy, so it sounds autumnal. My house is particularly wuthering though. Haven't been out as am knee-deep in office, I mean studio, tidy-up. Just found a bag of photos, doesn't bode well for...
Read full commentPosted in Pre-Autumn