Whatever happened to the fag thread? TC/MB
Wed, 2006-04-12 16:18
Whatever happened to the fag thread? TC/MB
I kinda peered at it through one eye last week during my topering phase last week, and promised to thank whom-ever it was who thanked me for my quasi-intellectual ramblings. Where it go?
What a week last week. Ex-girlfriend who had been threatening suicide for months now, came within a razor's edge of that last week. She was on life-support for a couple of days but seems to be out of danger now. But my PC did die - again! But it will be up and running within a few days. Unlike the ex who will be sectioned for a month at least: and if it seems that she's still a suicide risk that can be extended. Sorry i'm rambling. Fancy doing some 12 stepping Jude? I think she'd respond to you. Steve.
That's not good - just sent you an email.
As to the fag thread not sure what you're talking about...must be one I missed would that be the one with little waiters with tight bums in skimpy campy outfits?
Maybe something to do with cigarettes. Remember the long thread about health care costs et al??
"You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through www.new-ink.org
Not sure what you mean - just look back through the threads - it hasn't been deleted!
I looked back several pages but couldn't find it. Will do so again.
I did find it BB, thanks, I was a bit bleary eyed the last time. And that's the last time.