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I thought, as well as diving uninvited into other posts here, I should introduce myself. Not because I'm polite, but because I'm comfortable with attention.

My name is Joey Glass and I live in Oxford. I had a book of poems published when I was young enough to be a prodigy. It is now out of print and it's quite possible that I'm becoming more and more like those siblings in The Royal Tenembaums.

Looking forward to reading and writing on here.

All best,
Joe. Or Joey. Either/Or.

i would greet you in sanskrit ... but ... instead i will say hello with all my soul
Hello Ivoryfishbone. You know my pet hate? When people make a similie out of their soul. Souch as - You touch my soul like a moth on a gull.
May you flutter around these forums with a moth's tortured Sanskrit soul. May your soul cry out here like a lonely gull. Seriously, nice to have you on board. What was the title of your book? I can keep an eye out for it during the many hours I spend going through 2nd hand book shops. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


beaten to the buzzer... jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


jude ... how often your soul reaches out to me ... like a beak tapping on a bonnet ... MY lacy bonnet ...
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Hi Joe. I've often wondered what it'd be like to have been a prodigy. Unfortunately, as a child, pre-teen and into my teens I had no skills or abilities to speak of, was wholly uncharasmatic and was really quite ugly. These things seriously hindered my chances of being thought of as a genius (or similar). I too will keep an eye out for your book. Whassitcalled?
Anonymous's picture
Welcome, Joe. Nice to have you here - looking forward to your posts. foster
As an Oxfordite but now back in London, where do you live? I visit me old mum in Cowley on an irregular basis. Email me. It would be nice to get out and visit other abctalers.


Hey Joe, where you goin' with that poem in your hand?
He's goin' out t'shoot his publisher He caught him messin' round with some stanzas 'n' stuff here's nothing worse than a neighbour with crap wind chimes

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Hi Joe, I'm intrigued by your post. Welcome, and do let us know the name of your book. Looking forward to reading your stuff. Scout
A warm welcome from the management. I look forward to hearing more from you.
Greetings Joe, I too was a childhood prodigy, there was no-one who could thieve like me at thirteen years old. Welcome to the site. nobody
Thank you for your kind welcomes everyone. The book of poems was called Old Moss. Good luck finding if you do. It came out when I was thirteen and I'm now thirty one. Nobody - theiving is a skill not to be underestimated methinks. Don't most writers steal from people all the time don't you agree? Have any of you been experiencing some connection between yourself and another human being only to have some small, disconnected part of your brain thinking, 'This would work brilliantly in a short story.'? It is a terrible trait. Once, a girlfriend I had read a part of my novel in progess and sat staring at me with her mouth open and her pupils dilated so that you couldn't see the iris. ME: What? JULIE: How could you? ME: What? JULIE: That character Julia! She's me! ME: No she's not. She's nothing like you. JULIE: She IS! Listen, 'I watched her undress from behind the newspaper. This was not my idea, but Julia insisted I never saw her naked. Her hatred for her own body was only matched by my hatred of it. I hated it because she wouldn't let me see it, unless I pretended not to. She bent towards the mirror, her arse white and lonely, pulling off her odd socks. She told people she wore odd socks because she was always thinking of bigger things, that she had no time to match one with the other. I believed she contrived the odd socks scenario to make herself seem more interesting than she really was.' - Joey, I wear odd socks. ME: It's not you. It's a character in an unwritten novel. JULIA: And I don't let you see me naked. ME: - pause - Julia is nothing like you. She has brown hair. JULIA: - touching her blonde hair and leaving room never to return - I can't BELIEVE you hate my body. So, writing is never easy, and nicking stuff of those you love isn't easy if you want them to climb into bed with you at night. Especially when you nick things that mean something to people to put in a sub-standard work that never gets published. Enzo - being a chid prodigy had no benefits at all. Better to achieve later in life I say. Wholeheartedly. I don't really want to be a Writer any more. Just like writing, and don't need my face on the cover of The Review to feel good about myself. Styx, I live quite near Christ Church Meadow. I have friends in Cowley. Nice area. Better write something and post it up now. Greetings all, and thanks for the warm welcome. Styx
Have no idea why my post signed itself off as styx, but have no doubts, my name is Joey Glass, and I'm not an alter ego of styxbroox.
You might be-how spooky. And remember the old adage, 'Good writers borrow, great writers steal.'


Belated hello Joe. The white and lonely arse you describe made me grin this morning. Get some more writing onto the site please!
Thanks cath. Followed your advice and put up a story. Glad you liked the white and lonely arse. An arse whose owner hides it from the world is a very white and lonely arse indeed.
Ha. I've just decided to out mr glass as someone I know. I didn't know I knew him when he came on here, but I know now. Next time I let someone use my computer I'll check what they are doing. Good writing joe. But I don't give you permission to flirt with me anymore you cheeky scamp.
But he did have a book out.
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