FuseLit Magazine: New Issue Out and Call for Submissions!
Introducing FuseLit Magazine!
Robot gardeners, karate v kung fu, boxing dodos, drum 'n' bass, clandestine Milton fumblings, and much more.
What is FuseLit?
¢ A pocket-sized dynamo dedicated to promoting the best quirky, spirited and exciting prose, poetry and artwork around.
¢ A quarterly magazine providing the antidote to the turgid, self-important and cliché in contemporary arts.
¢ The invention in 2005 of two UEA Creative Writing graduates, mixed in strong measures with the initial spark of contributors from the MA course, FuseLit has since grown into a strong community, attracting attention from a host of international literary and artistic talent.
¢ The best thing that ever happened to Writer's and Reader's Block.
How does it work?
¢ Every issue, a spur word is suggested as a theme. Suggestions are welcome from anybody, though most come from members of our online mailing list, which can be joined at fuselitmag@yahoo.co.uk.
¢ Contributions are then invited for writing, artwork, music and audio performance based loosely around that word. Our aim is to get people writing, recording and generally creating, and most of our contributors agree this approach stimulates creativity, or 'lights the fuse'.
¢ Our editors select favourite pieces for inclusion and FuseLit is created ' a small but fierce magazine that gives the reader a single word viewed through very different eyes each time.
Buy or Subscribe
¢ Each issue costs just 95p plus £1.00 postage, and can be purchased securely at www.fuselit.co.uk , using Paypal. Alternatively, email us at the above address to arrange payment by cheque or postal order. Back issues are also available to buy.
¢ A subscription can also be purchased using the above methods. See the website for more details.
¢ We are currently inviting contributions based around the word PROOF of poetry, prose, artwork and now, for the first time, music, to be distributed on a special mini-CD, alongside the magazine.
For further information, including full submission guidelines, or to join the mailing list, please see www.fuselit.co.uk , or email us at fuselitmag@yahoo.co.uk