Freshly washed new guy - Ladder
Hi, I am very new to all this, and was looking for some independant feedback. I would be very greatful of any comments. I would hope it would not be a complete waste of time. Yet, if you find it to be so, communicating such would also be of great benifit.
I don't know if anyone else has found that, although friends and family are precious and kind when it comes to feed back, one yearns for someone one does not know to offer something damning. (Or indeed validation).
ladder part 1
The original piece, written as an experiment. Less than 1000 words. Trying my hand.
part 2. I don't consider it to be good, but I was trying a different voice and different point of view.
part 3. An entierly different view on the above events, trying a third voice.
Thank you so much.