New competition

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New competition

It's up and running so get writing!

Here's the link for details:

Best of luck!

I was thinking about when there was going to be another comp.Any chance of having more than just "the winner"? Even without a monetary prize any placement gives people more ticks on their writing CVs.


Sure - we will have a few 'highly commended' as well! Would you prefer an order - first to fifth, say?
Ah, ABCTales competitions! I'm getting all nostalgic now...
So, enter! All entries are being flagged in a new section on the left hand side of the front page as they come in. It'll make it easier for you all to see what the opposition is up to!
"Here's the entries so far received:" Come come, ABC, this is supposed to be a premier writing site.
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
I think part of the problem is charging £5 to enter (quite a lot, I think) and not having a clear prize. Half of the entry fees could have been as low as £2.50! As for the 'writing CV' thing Camille, I would usually agree. But it doesn't seem that the comp has been publicised anywhere outside this site, at least from the couple of Google searches I just did. I couldn't even see a mention on booktribes, ABC's sister site. If this was set out to be a fundraising exercise, then so be it. But if it was also supposed to be an actual competition, it should have been made to feel like one. Another example: offering to change from one winner to a ranked top 5 after the comp is open seems a little amateurish to me. That said, it could be that the slow start is just writing / editing time - the deadline is a way off so there could be a whole load of entries through December. And I hope there is- I know the above seems negative but I do hope this comp works out. It would be nice to see ABC lively again in the writing sense. Enzo..
'But it doesn't seem that the comp has been publicised anywhere outside this site, at least from the couple of Google searches I just did. I couldn't even see a mention on booktribes, ABC's sister site.' Got a link on your site/facebook/myspace etc. page? 'That said, it could be that the slow start is just writing / editing time - the deadline is a way off so there could be a whole load of entries through December.' Or NaNoWriMo? I think, as with most of these things, there'll be a rush at the end. Especially if ABC members are proactive, rather than reactive, hmm? regards Ewan
It's meant to be an ABCtales competition for ABCtales members. I don't think that £5 is prohibitive - it's the price of two drinks in the pub or a pint and a half of beer in London. and there will, inevitably, be a rush of entires at the end. We may well spread the word around a bit as the weeks go by - but the main priority is to publicise it to ABCtales members and give them every opportunity to enter.
Two drinks in the pub? Well if you put it like that I definitely can't afford to enter! ;-) In fact I have been thinking about entering - it seems like the £5 entrance fee is the least I can chuck into the pot for the sake of this site - it's just that I need some time to think about the subject.
Oh, come on guys, it's a fiver. A packet of fags or a pint (or whatever vice you're into). It's worth it for the fun-factor alone.
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