The Pie Shop Chapter Seven Maurie's Story

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The Pie Shop Chapter Seven Maurie's Story

Just to say "Thank You" to the editor who awarded the Cherries for this piece and those who have made some very kindly comments about the chapters that have gone before. This collection is giving me a great deal of pleasure to write, the Cherries and the inclusion in the Magazine are icing on the cake. I can hardly believe how rapidly the 'Read' figures have grown, most encouraging.

They cover a period that isn't often covered - and veyr well too. That rather bleak decade of the 50s is so often overlooked in favour of the 60s and yet it was there that the ground was broken for the seed that would later spring up. I really enjoyed this one - but there are a few typos (!) - and I loved the notion of the guy swinging above the power lines in nothing but his trilby and co-respondent shoes. Great stuff. More please!
Thanks for the kindly comment Tony. Most encouraging. It is a period that I think is much under-rated and where the social revolution really began. It felt as though people were just beginning to wake up to the fact that they had real power but were not quite sure how to use it....they soon found out! I have written quite a few more chapters but hesitate to post them lest the subject becomes boring. On the matter of typos..I have looked but can't find them, I'd appreciate your guidance on them if you have time.
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