Why I try hard not to hate the baby boomers...
Well, for starters, hate is bad mmmkay. Secondly it is as silly to label an entire generation as it is to label an entire race. My comments (that I really need to get off my chest) are not a blanket criticism of absolutely everyone born between 1946 and 1965. But here are just a few observed trends that quite frankly make my blood boil.
The thing I find intolerable about the baby boomers is that they campaigned for freedom while students, but since they started their own families and settled into careers and came into governance they've reduced the freedoms and opportunities of the generations that will come after them. Here are a few examples:
1.It was fine for them to travel the world, take drugs, drop out for a few years and enjoy their youth by knocking about the English countryside in a clapped out VW camper van. But all we get from them now is warnings about the environmental damage of air travel and cars and how bad drugs are (btw skunk is the same drug as cannabis, just stronger).
2.Abolishing good pensions whilst clinging tenaciously to their own.
3.Inflating house prices whilst at the top of the market. The house price bubble only ever benefited those who traded down during the peak years. The House price bubble was nothing but a giant pyramid scheme transferring wealth up the generational hierarchy.Not only this, but they want to hang onto all their money and have their old age care funded by subsequent generations.
4.Had free education, then introduced tuition fees. We need to reduce the number of university places, make them all free and revert back to average students going to their local polytechnic. Polys had a very important role which we seem to have forgotten.
5.Baby Boomers despite their youthful Hippie ideals have been into conspicious consumption more than any subsequent generation. This might be possibly due to the fact that subsequent generations don't have any cash left after their mortgage/ rent payments (see point 3).
Apologies to all the baby boomers here for tarring you with the same brush. My own generation has its faults I know, as we all do.
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~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~
~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~