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I know this question gets brought up a fair bit and I know I should probably have listened to some of the answers in the past, but can anyone explain to me how you get your text to appear in bold itallics? Better still, can anyone explain this to me as if explaining it to a half-asleep five year old, as that's about the level my brain works at with these things!

Thanks guys, happy writing :)

.....nicked from FTSE's explanation in an earlier forum post: "Just to make it a little clearer, you put at the beginning of the text you want in italics and where you want the italics to stop. You must always put the even if you want the italics to continue right up to the end of your text, otherwise it will put the whole page - all the menus and everything - in italics. For bold, put at the beginning and at the end, with the same caveat about never missing out the ." and here's the link to the original post - perhaps you could bookmark it for future use? I'm always forgetting, and have to look it up each time i need it, so perhaps I should do the same!


aaargh - it hasn't come out properly! Go the the link and you'll see it. Tell me if it works - ok?


Thanks so much, insert - will give it a go now :)
Yup - got it! Thanks again xx
When you're using them remember the countryside code - If you open something, close it - otherwise it all goes wibbly very quickly indeed. So < em> must have a < /em> somewhere after it. Really can't stress that enough!
Strong for bold? Why is it different from old fashioned, ordinary html? You know what I mean? <> with a b in it instead of strong?
It's to do with semantic html which transfers across platforms and formats. I don't entirely understand it myself but a good example I came across is that a screen reader would take < strong> as 'read more loudly' which wouldn't happen with < b>. If you're being right, proper and future proof then use < strong> and < em> but as far as ABC is concerned < b> and < i> are probably fine.
b and i don't work on ABC. I tried them. Not tried a lot of things but I do know how to put it in red which is nice. For those interested, use the letter a, in the brackets as for the others. Helvigo Jenkins

Helvigo Jenkins

Interesting and noted! With the < a> that's the code to make something into a hyperlink. It's going red because the CSS (style for the site) is set to red. This is the code you use if you want to be clever and have a link to a website in some completely different text like this. It looks a bit like this (I've put a couple of spaces in so it displays as text so not exactly like this...): < a href="">The text you want linked< /a>.
I think learning by doing would appeal to me because this is tech talk but thanks. I may try it some day but probably not ;D I'm glad someone knows what to do! Must be a nice feeling
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