An Appeal

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An Appeal

I left the village I'd called home for the past ten years just a little over four months ago. That village is now the centre of the UK's horror-mongering media world, following a gas explosion yesterday morning in which atleast four sleepy terraced houses and the lives of every single person within the Shaw community were torn to shreds in a shattering instant.

My old house was literally ten seconds away from Buckley Street - just around the corner on Oak Street. If I'd have still lived there now myself and my two children would probably be in the refuge centre up at Crompton House today, along with the many others who have been evacuated from their homes. Shaw is an extremely tight-knit community and believe me when I say that EVERYBODY there has been affected by this. The little boy lost to that explosion will be deeply missed by everyone there and this will take a very, very long time for people to come to terms with (if ever) - it looks more like a bomb was dropped than an explosion, it's just so unimagineable and so surreal.

I still have close links with Shaw - my dad and brother both play for one of its pub's pool teams, my friends and my children's friends still live there, my ex-husband and his whole family are Shaw born-and-bred and even though I did not know the family of the little boy personally I would pass that house many a time on my way into the village centre during the decade or so I lived there, and so I can't help but feel utterly grief-stricken right now by what has happened, even though I suppose I'm an outsider now and have no right to anymore.

Please all say a prayer for little Jamie and for their distraught family. Please pray for the other families involved in the blast and for rest of the community - this tragic event has turned their small world completely upside-down. Rumours are rife in the area right now as to how the explosion was triggered, which I'm sure is doing the grieving family no good at all, and from what I've seen on the TV and what I've heard from its actual residents, nothing is quite what it seems at the moment and the media coverage is only infuriating and upsetting people there further. They need some positive support from outsiders who genuinely care, and you lot on here are some of the kindest hearts I know. These are terrible times for one little Northern village in the UK and Shaw is a beautiful place with some amazing people - please send some loving light its way...

or possibly, a donation.

Thank you.

** I've just sent an email requesting donation details so as soon as I get some info back I will let you all know - at the moment it says to just email so I'm just making sure the process is legitimate and easy for others wishing to donate. Thanks for reading.
Reading of this event has been shocking. It becomes much more real when hearing from someone who knows the area so intimately, and your being able to share your grief. Thank you for posting, and your practical and prayerful concern for all those involved. Rhiannon


This is such a sad situation and please God receive little Jamie's soul into Heaven and help his father through the pain of his injuries and give comfort to all that need it.
Just changed the link - from what I've found it's these guys who are the ones raising the funds for the victims - I'm going to give it a go now, please donate everyone, even if it's just a pound. I don't have a FB or Twitter account or anything like that but my brother does and the community really are pulling together on this - there are constant status updates of people organising volunteers for the refuge centre the next day, trying to help with rehousing feeding etc, I just feel so useless and would like to help in some way. Thanks so much for reading this everyone - love and light to you all x
Made a donation today and realised you can't actually donate anything less than £5 - sorry for all the inaccuracies so far regarding this post, I'm bloody useless at stuff like this, I'd be terrible as a journalist. Then again, going off the media coverage I've seen of this so far, I'd probably be really good. Again, thanks for reading ABC-ers, and for listening, means a lot x
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