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I feel pretty down today, the voices that taunt me are at their strongest at the moment and making me feel that everything i put down is utter rubbish. Im trying to draw but that is even worse.

I felt a little better recently, i felt stronger but the stronger the voices are, the weaker i am!

I am sat here wondering what to do, i feel like chocolate and cups of tea but i shouldnt really eat rubbish, even though im sure for that moment i will get a sugar rush.

Im starting to think "what is the point" and thats when its dangerous.

Of course you should treat yourself to chocolate and tea- don't listen to the voices- just write..try to look on the bright kind to someone- invite them for tea and chocolate
Feed me with tea and chocolate, then I'll feel a damned sight better and I'll tell your voices to shut their gobs.
Tell the voices to go themselves. Tell the voices to go away and never darken your path again. Tell the voices that at long last you have taken control. Just write, i've read your stuff and you are a really good writer. So tell them to go away and never come back. Start living.


thanks guys, im going to get chocolate and tea and try to shut them up by watching a couple of films. Tried to write but nothing is coming. thrown all drawings away.
Don't listen to those voices! My advice is watch half a film. Pause it. Sit down and write a brief summary of what you've just seen. Dont read what you've written. Watch the rest of the film. Write a summary of that. Then write a summary of the scene that happens *after* the last scene in the movie - the one that the viewers never normally get to see because they cover it up with a black screen and credits. If you do that then you are kind of using some elses imagination and characters rather than your own, and you might be able to kick start your confidence again...
thats a really food idea Cloven. Films are my favourite thing, up there with art, music and books so i think this will be good for me to do. Thanks
guys, i bought some chocolate and got a cup of tea and messed about with some drawings on photoshop. I want to start using imagery with my text. quite like Raymond Pettibon i guess. I need to buy or borrow a tablet so i can actually draw with a pen instead of a Valium affected shaky hand haha But it has distracted me tonight, and i think its an OK start. What do you guys think?
My voices are my best audience. When they yell boo I think my work is amazing. When they cheer I know I'm having a dilusional episode. - Chinobus -

- Chinobus -

My voices are my best audience. When they yell boo I think my work is amazing. When they cheer I know I'm having a dilusional episode. - Chinobus -

- Chinobus -

The opposite the past couple if days, too much inspiration and not enough hours in the days. Sleeping pattern is fucked! Drawing, painting, reading, writing, films, quotes. So much my head is racing, I don't know if my thoughts are positive or negative. Time for a Valium I think