Tom Darling's 'Summer'

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Tom Darling's 'Summer'

Deeply unsettling with stunning dark writing. Features strangeness I've not found in any novel since devouring John Fowle's 'The Collector.' I keep recommending it to passersby, flapping its pages in their faces like a religious testament. Nobody seems to care. Please try it. You may find you care about it.

bbanyard, you must read. Happy to post you one of my copies out. We did it for book club. Mail me your postal address if you like.

I've read The Collector more than 30 times. Ashamed of that but it is just so addictive.


I was about to say I love the Collector too, but I've definitely not read it, or any book, 30 times! I'll check out this one too.

I'll have to chaeck it out, Ray. I'm afraid I'm one of those people whe saw the movie first. the one with Terence Stamp from 1965. Great movie. Books are usually better, though. the only books I've read more than a couple of tiems are Huck Finn and In Cold Blood. I'll definately check out you reccommedations. Starting with Summer.





Haven't read either, thats how thick I am. But will read Collector now just to see why Ray has read is so many times...


The Collector is sicker than a bowl of hot vomit. You'll love it, Joe.