Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

The .......zzz ZZZ Part Four.

The next morning, the gentle vibrating of the bed woke me up, I was tired, at first, I thought I was dreaming but no it was real, I was still in the...

The.......Part Three

Today was the day, day one of the competition, and like I have been here before, I desperately wanted to fall asleep, to get my quota of sleep in. It...

A gift

A Zen master met a woman on a journey one day. By her ignorance, she tried various ways to yell and insult him. Finally, the Zen master turned around...

Opposite Views

In 2015 I wrote this poem: TenThings I Love (and She Hates) | ABCtales One commentator said: “ Now you can do the opposite such as: 10 things she...
