Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

La Luna - Sphere of Light

La Luna – Sphere of Light Never turning orb of hush Silent, acne scarred Void of colours bright Lunar seas of Grey, Grey dust Speeding sunlight...

Eating Out

An ekphrastic poem inspired by Edward Hopper's painting "Nighthawks"

Why didn’t I really like it? A copy of this was given by an aunt when I was quite young. She was loving and kindly but...

The Focussed Day

Focus on love focus on giving focus on joy focus on feasting focus on family and friends and also those drifting – pity and compassion shelter and...

Christmas Rhyme

Just a silly Christmas Rhyme at 2020's lock down time. Now we're staying in alone talking only on telephone, good wishes in Christmas cards now that...
