Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point


Look through any window of the train … passing … glimpse of lives, then all their faces gone.

The Three Gardens. Part Five.

This year was the first time myself and my neighbours left and right of me, had our gardens done. Left and right of me both have children aged about...

Waiting For The Thaw

Sometimes I think I'll never write again...but then inspiration comes when I least expect it. Activating poetry is like waking from the thaw of...

The Start Of Another Day: Epilogue:Happiness

Happiness, The essence of life, or is it? Whether you deem it important or insignificant, you have probably wondered and questioned yourself about this feeling before, what is happiness? is it just an unstable, ephemeral emotion that is meaningless in the grand scheme of things? How do I reach it? Do I have to be happy? More importantly, is it the same for everyone? If so, then who defines happiness? The answer to these questions depends on your perspective really, or that is what I believe at least, but it wouldn't hurt to hear another person's views on happiness now would it?
