Inspiration point (IP)

I'm giving you a real multi-choice Inspiration Point this week: 'signs'.

Spring, the breakdown of civilisation, things only you can see... the possibilities are endless! Good luck, and don't forget to post the results here

Inspiration point


Inspiration point 13/3/2015 - Take an existing myth or poem and repurpose it to provide a new, refreshing and original take.


A story, loosely woven from the threads of the legend of Camelot, written in the style of Tennyson's poem, 'The Lady of Shallot'.

Halfway Through the Night

inspired by A A Milne’s ‘Halfway down the stairs… there isn't any other stair quite like it. ' with Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear Halfway through the night …

Land of Clouds

The Myth of Kupe’s discovery of Aotearoa (NZ), as told by his wife, Hine-te-aparangi.
