Inspiration point (IP)

I'm giving you a real multi-choice Inspiration Point this week: 'signs'.

Spring, the breakdown of civilisation, things only you can see... the possibilities are endless! Good luck, and don't forget to post the results here

Inspiration point

A Story in a Forest (1)

A Story in a Forest By Aston Macaulay Prologue: The Premier “Welcome folks, we are live here at the premier of the documentary that has had the...

Not Afraid

Not Afraid “It’s not death I’m afraid of – it’s the process of dying.” I've said that over the years to various people. Having a strong faith in life...

The Space I Don't Take Up

Nobody ever belongs anywhere. The world is not a club where only the most extroverted and courageous of people get in. People just find themselves in...


Once there were two best buddies named Jack and Ben. Jack was a great bibliophile, and Ben was a very dynamic and motivational speaker. Every day in...


A professional killer employs mediation and leaves false leads while carrying out a contract.
