Inspiration point (IP)

Trying to think of something that might help,  while the back door is open for a cat to make their mind up, wondered if this would work for you :

"Out Of The Cold".


Could be escaping it, could be emerging from it, wherever you take this, I look forward very much to reading the results.

I hope you all stay warm and safe and dry this week, and have time to write. 


Inspiration point

The Lonely Tear

Sitting on a bench by herself in the empty park the lady started to reflect on her life. She was a lot like this bench, she was in a big world...


Is it normal to question solidity? Do the walls also slant At a strangely obscurred, 3-Dimensional angle To your point of view as well? Do flowers...

For Siena

Inspired by my best friend in the entire world. Will probably be a gift of some sort. Comments/criticisms?

in the beauty of the beast

In this street-light-flame-lit wildness, the sky burns bright-blue between blood-chilling maelstroms and gasoline rainbows that lead to pots of...

Christmas Cheer

Distilled in an enchanted well a giddy tonic that cannot be capped tapped by the year's weary sojourners imbibed into festive minds on Christmas Eve...
