Inspiration point (IP)

Thanks to the wonderful title of a post by Rhiannon, this week's Inspiration Point is : Morning Music. I hope you enjoy coming up with ideas for this, and look forward to reading the results!


Inspiration point

Grown Up

I think I forget. Im sorry. Have we met? Its been a time, you see My double visions gone to three. I have yet to open eyes Sifting truth from the...

Handlebar Clavicles & Etc.

Inspired by one of my friends and written as a potential present to her. Comments/criticisms?

'A Tribute to Nelson'

A great and kindred spirit has passed as we watched departing rainbow lorikeets seemingly marking his path across our sadness immortality escorted...

Looking out to look inward (IP)

[inspired by the amount of time Colin Firth’s Mr Darcy spent looking out of windows in the BBC production of some years ago] From out of a window he...
