Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point this week is : Unexpected Visitor/s.  Big or small? Likely or fantastical? Wanted or absolutely not? How do they find you - how do they leave you? Why have they come? Perhaps you could write from the Visitor's point of view?  I hope very much this gives you some ideas, and really look forward to reading whatever results. 

Lots of good wishes for Christmas, I hope you have a lovely time

Inspiration point


Don Quichotte

I meet him on the Playa de Las Canteras. He builds sandcastles, writes words in the wet sand. Grasp, gratitude, grand cru. At first I do not...

Destiny's Road

Destiny's Road A bright beam will gild your dreams; Sow your seeds in the light, for, The dark night can't aid your schemes Your revved engine...

Parable of the punctured ball

Because we are made of knitted clouds and embroidered grass. Because the sun puts her bare hands on our heads. Is it a blessing? In any case we are...

Fixing Cars and Football! (I.P.)

Fixing Cars and Football! (I.P.) Men are such funny creatures. I feel sure I will never understand them. They say and do things that are completely...

Wisdom IV

In life, where you are most uncomfortable, you grow the most. Learn to relish discomfort. It often lines the path to greatness.
