Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Living The Dream

Living The Dream? I was preparing a presentation for a school assembly not long before I retired. Teaching had been only one of over fifty skill sets...

They aren’t missing!

They used to think that soon they‘d find a ‘missing link’ between mankind and apes; they drew imaginative posture and facial shapes – all from discovered tooth – excitement big, – then found to be the tooth of a pig! Then …

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Four of Four

Kev sat down on my settee with a beer from my fridge to watch the racing results on my television. Jim in Glasgow had paid for all of these things,...

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Three of Four

From the cockpit, Captain Australia (the world’s first marsupial superhero) announced that we would be landing in Naples, Muscat, Bombay, Singapore...

Miss Australia 1978 – Part Two of Four

Unfortunately, I didn’t have my mobile phone with me because at that stage of the rampant global advance in technology they had yet to be invented,...
